An Introduction

A lot of people said they wanted me to keep them updated on my adventures in Alaska before I moved up for school.

An Introduction

A lot of people said they wanted me to keep them updated on my adventures in Alaska before I moved up for school. Here we are, two weeks living in the state and I've got a solution.

Classes started on Monday, and it being Friday I've just finished my first week of college. I wasn't sure what to expect, but it feels just like high school but with more free time. My classes this semester include Introduction to Business, Writing Across Contexts (how to write academically), Developmental Math (in a nutshell, algebra crash course), Beginning Drawing, and Introduction to Computer Science (where we're learning C++).

CS 201, Intro to Computer Science is my favorite class so far. The main focus of the class is learning C++, a language that I've used before, but never got too familiar with. We're using tools like Github and Visual Studio that I'm familiar with, which combined with previous experience is making for a pretty easy class so far. If you want, you can follow my projects in that class on the Github repo.

Beginning drawing has second place for my second favorite class. The instructor for it is an adjunct professor who's a full time cartoonist, and it's been a pretty fun class so far. On the first day we got started right away with linear perspective, and he's got a fairly fast paced schedule layed out for us. I'll make sure to post some images of my progress during this class - here's one of the homework sketches I've made so far.

Linear perspective - without the horizon lines!

Right now he's asked us to just sketch what we see without the horizon line or anything like that, just so we can get the hang of what we're doing.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the semester, and am excited for what I'll be learning. I've still got a few things to figure out (like getting a job) but things are going really smoothly so far. I'll try to remember to update this blog at least once a week, and until the next post I hope you'll enjoy yourself.

As always I've enjoyed taking pictures of what I see, here's a few that I've taken so far (some with minor editing).